What It’s Like to Travel During a Pandemic (My International Flight Story)

You've seen the think pieces, the random social media posts, the over involved aunts and uncles of the world shaming…

Joanna Kalafatis

Top 5 Websites to Learn a New Language

My goal is to learn at least ten languages in this life. I am a fluent speakers of two -…

Joanna Kalafatis

Six Stories of Ramadan Around the World

The holy month of Ramadan ends tomorrow, and around 1.8 billion people around the world will mark the end of…

Joanna Kalafatis

How Quarantine Feels Strangely Like Traveling Alone

"This title sounds insane." That's the first thought that went through my head upon rereading it. Relating solo travel to…

Joanna Kalafatis

How to Travel Virtually From Your Own Home

Since you follow this blog, I'm assuming you love to travel. For those of us stuck at home, not being…

Joanna Kalafatis

How Beer Started The World (Seriously): A Belgian Story

In honor of National Beer Day, I decided to tell the story of how my favorite alcoholic beverage quite literally…

Joanna Kalafatis

How to Make Money When You’re Stuck at Home

Hi. I usually blog about travel. But as you may have noticed, the world is a bit preoccupied with other…

Joanna Kalafatis

How to Make Friends on the Road: Apps & Websites

Hello again! Sorry for the delay in posting, but travel life has been a bit hectic lately - all will…

Joanna Kalafatis

‘Flight Shaming’: What Is It and How Is It Changing Travel?

If you've been following the news about young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. or the terrifying environmental news in general, you…

Joanna Kalafatis

Riverhouse on the Deschutes: Retreat to Nature in Bend, Oregon

Though I am a city girl at heart, I need frequent trips into the wild outdoors to avoid going crazy.…

Joanna Kalafatis