Me in Amsterdam

The Eye-Opening Day I Realized I Have Travel Privileges

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It’s easy to extol the friendliness of a country or the openness of a culture when you’re in a specific, generally non-discriminated against demographic people. But that’s why we must always keep our travel privileges in mind when we’re traveling around the world, and then giving advice to others who may not have the same privileges.

The Girl on the Train

“I need your passport”, the blonde train conductor commanded as the train hurtled through the Belgian countryside, halfway from Bruges to Brussels. She was looking down at the young woman with big brown eyes next to me, who was sporting immaculate make-up, nails, and a hijab. The conductor had previously insisted on addressing her twice in the Flemish Dutch dialect of the area, which the confused woman next to me (just like most of us on the train), quite clearly did not understand.

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In response to the passport request, the woman’s face fell. “I…don’t have it with me”, she softly replied.

Train travel window view from a RailEurope car passing through northwest Europe.
Train travel through Europe. Taken in the Netherlands.

The conductor seemed like someone who had been dealing with the public too long to actually still like people. She had previously stared me down disgustedly for daring to have a note from the train station attendant in lieu of a ticket – the ticket printing machine had stopped working after I purchased my ticket, and the nice man attending it gave me a stamped and signed form instead to let me board the train – but after a sigh of frustration she waved an OK in my general direction.

The girl next to me, Amirah*, was having no such luck. “You don’t have your passport? You’re traveling in a foreign country”, the conductor lectured.

*The names have been changed for the womens’ privacy.

“We just went to Bruges for the day,” Amirah said, motioning to her two fellow female travelers on the opposite side of the aisle, “we were not told we would need a passport when we bought the tickets.”

Reflection of a historic building in Bruges, Belgium, in the canal.
We were returning from beautiful, picturesque Bruges.

The train manager insisted that she needed to see ID because Amirah was traveling on an under-25 ticket, and she had to confirm her age. Amirah and her companions apologized and said they did not realize she needed to show a passport on the train after purchase.

“What if something happens to you? No one will know who you are.” There was no concern in the conductor’s voice, just annoyance and contempt. I understood both Amirah’s and the conductor’s positions here, but the conductor could be a little less aggressive about the whole thing. The next part of her lecture, however, brought things to a whole new level.

“YOU have to carry ID. Especially these days” she said pointedly. “You’re a foreigner. The police can just board the train and ask you for ID, you know. If you don’t have it, you’re in trouble”.

The conductor then asked Amirah to pay the difference for the over-25 ticket. It was $25 more. Her companions protested that their full-price tickets cost only $5 more than the youth ticket, but having already attracted the rest of the train’s attention and not wanting to cause too much trouble, Amirah handed over a 50-Euro bill and got the change.

A Conversation With Amirah

A few silent moments passed until the conductor had moved on to the next compartment. Amirah and her companions started speaking to each other over me in hushed voices, talking about how stupid it was that she ended up paying so much.

Feeling the situation was somewhat unfair as well, I chimed in to tell her that I was sorry that happened, and it was in fact, quite stupid.

“Right?!” she said, and a smile of relief flashed on her face. We started talking, and she told me she was in town from Muscat, Oman. Forgetting about the rude conductor, we moved on to the subject of travel and our recent explorations around Belgium.

Looking out over the fairytale like town of Bruges, Belgium.
Exploring the beautiful streets of Bruges

“How do you like it here?”, I asked. For days, I had been raving to friends about how surprisingly amazing Belgium was, and how the people in Brussels were so much friendlier than I had ever imagined. I couldn’t wait to share my excitement over this beautiful country with my new acquaintance.

-“Well, it’s pretty. But…how do I say this…” she said shyly, then hesitated.

-“It’s cool, go ahead”, I prodded.

-“Are the-“, she dropped her voice lower to a whisper, “are the people up here always so rude?”

-“Oh the conductor you mean? I mean generally no, I don’t think so, she’s probably the exception.”

-“Oh no, it’s not her. I meant in general. In shops we went to, places we’ve been.”

-“Really?!” My surprise was evident.

-“Oh, I mean not everyone of course. But…a lot. I guess…”, she paused, looked down and hesitated for a while before continuing, “I just don’t know if they’re rude in general or if they don’t like us because we’re Arabs”.

Something inside me cringed uncomfortably. Here I was, espousing the friendliness of Brussels’ inhabitants and the amazing experiences I had in that city to anyone who would listen, and this woman had instead experienced rude shopkeepers, aggressive conductors, and who knows what else.

“I mean, it’s much better than Frankfurt”, she continued. “We had a layover there from Oman and….phewwww”, she said, as she threw her hand backwards in disbelief and laughed.

We continued talking about this and that, and she offered suggestions for what I should do if I ever visit Oman. She and her friends had a quick enthusiastic exchange in Arabic, and then she turned to me and said, with a big smile, “you know, we’re actually recruiting for Oman Air, would you be interested?!”

“No, I’m good with my job, but thank you so much”, I said (turning down a paying job that would have me traveling all the time, because I’m a complete idiot).

“OK, well if you ever change your mind…”, she replied in a sweet sing-song.

Brussels Main Square
Chilling in Brussels Main Square

The Realization of Travel Privileges

This whole exchange, while seemingly minor, brought to the forefront this nagging thought that’s been creeping up on me for ages.

I spend so much time telling people how friendly the world truly is, how amazing it is to travel all over the place and feel the warmth of locals everywhere, how travel can truly be a great and uplifting experience – yet there is a part of me that knows some people will experience the positives of travel and local hospitality much more frequently than others.

Don’t get me wrong; I do truly believe (and it’s confirmed every day on the road) that the world and its people are better than most think, and many people are surprisingly open to helping others out and talking with travelers and strangers.

But I always leave out an important aspect of my personal travel experience – in fact, several important aspects – that may not apply to everyone reading my posts.

So here it goes.

I’m white. I’m straight. I’m cisgender. I speak English. I’m American. I’m young. I’m attractive.

All of this frequently makes my travel experiences different from so many other groups of people. It gives me privileges when I travel that others simply don’t have.

Understanding Perceptions of Ourselves When We Travel

For some of you who scoffed at the use of the word “privileges” (which has become very politicized lately), I use that word in a very simple, common sense way. This is what I mean when I say I travel with privileges:

I don’t have to worry about people disliking me, making fun of me, or even resorting to violence against me because of my sexual orientation or identity. Being straight and cis is not something that makes me a target. It’s not something I have to think of or perhaps even try to hide in some areas.

I don’t have to worry about being white. In most places in the world, even if my skin color may be an oddity, it won’t make people hate me (with few exceptions) or disdain me. It might categorize me as “rich” in some places when I travel, so maybe I’ll be a target for petty theft.

But I have all too frequently heard jokes, even in majority non-white countries I’ve spent time in like South Africa, that most perpetrators of more serious crimes know better than to “mess with the white girl”. Messing with the white American girl means the law might actually pursue the offenders, or at least, is way more likely to pursue the offenders than if they had messed with the local Black girl.

Portrait of a travel blogger in springtime in London.
Super white after months in London

I don’t have to worry about coming across as American; though I may get a few judgmental questions about American politics, for the most part I’ll get treated like a well-off tourist and catered to as such by those I come across. People visiting from other countries, mostly developing countries, don’t always get this same assumption about them and treatment directed towards them. I have seen travelers from poorer countries, regardless of their own level of personal wealth, sometimes getting less stellar treatment from staff than North Americans or Western Europeans.

I generally don’t have to worry about finding someone to help me. Being a young and attractive girl plays a role in my interactions with people. I find many people are willing to help me out. Some of them (most of them, I’d like to believe) might have helped me out regardless. Some of them might not have cared so much to help me out or befriend me if I were an overweight middle-aged woman, an unattractive man, or anything other than what I am. I may have to deal with some unwanted attention later, but that, while annoying, can usually be handled.

The point is: I will never know what it is like to travel as someone who is homosexual; non-white; from a developing country; or very simply what it is like to travel as anyone that’s not me.

On the other hand, this means I will also never know what it is like to travel as a man. I won’t know what it’s like to have that extra shade of recklessness, freedom, and yes, travel privieleges, my male traveling buddies seem to have.

I won’t know what it’s like to socialize without worrying so much about my interactions with the opposite gender. In some places, I won’t have the freedom to enter some social spaces that – either through social norms or actual laws – are not open to me. Not to mention will generally have to worry more about my alcohol intake and where I walk and who I flirt with.

I can’t write or speak to experiences of other groups on the road, because I have not had them. I can only describe my own experiences in any given country.

So did the train conductor, shopkeepers, and other people Amirah found rude dislike her because of her skin color? Or did she just happen to bump into rude people?

It could most likely be a little of both.

The point is that in my travels, unlike Amirah’s, that’s something I never have to wonder.

Traveling with Privileges Pin for Pinterest.

So What Can We Do With Our Travel Privileges?

So what can we do about this difference of experience when we travel? I don’t entirely know. We can stay informed and believe other peoples’ experiences when they differ from ours.

We can be conscious of it and do our best to keep moving forward, building bridges, and traveling the world no matter what we look like or are like, so things get better in the future.

If you do want to check out some blogs in addition to mine (but don’t leave me! keep reading my posts as well!) that deal with travel as seen through different eyes, check out the following sites:

Here are 2 kickass female travelers who often comment on traveling as Black women:

Oneika –

Gloria –

These well-traveled bloggers deal with LGBT travel:

Adam –

Auston & David –

Button & Bly –

These bloggers deal with traveling while holding passports from non-Western countries (some of us don’t know how good we have it with visa-free travel to so many places):

Gael –

Savi & Vid –

Of course this is just a starting point of bloggers I like and follow, but there are many more great travelers out there showing you the world through their eyes, so start searching!

What do you think of this post? If you know of any other blogs like this, put them in the comments below!




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  1. This was a really interesting read! I grew up in Belgium and always thought that people were friendly, except a few people in Antwerp who seemed to dislike me and my friends because we spoke French (and not Flemish!). Makes me wonder if people in Brussels would treat me differently if I wore a hijab – the answer is probably yes, but I will never know for sure!

    1. I had a similar experience in Belgium, I thought everyone was very friendly! And I’m sure most people would still be fine if you wore a hijab. However, there is always a percentage of people who will have their prejudices!

  2. Thanks for this! It’s so important to be aware of privilege. I appreciate the links here at the bottom too. A great start for travelers looking to expand their world view.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes definitely, I learn so much from the amazing bloggers I linked to, I’m more than happy to share their sites!

  3. As someone with two passports from different countries, I’ve long known the privilege of being able to travel. And sometimes people travel without even acknowledging this privilege. I feel so bad for Amirah’s situation; I truly hope nothing like that ever happens to her again. Nonetheless, I’m glad you were able to reflect on it as a bystander and, in turn, understand a facet of yourself that you didn’t know. An original read!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I know what you mean, those of us with the privilege to travel without much worry should reflect and be grateful for it.

  4. Well written post. I totally get how different each of our experiences could be because of who we are, how we are, and who the people around us are. Definitely agree with you in a lot of points there-straight to the heart! I, too, have been traveling with a 3rd world passport as a solo female and even in my country, we get discriminated by our own immig officers (to be fair, they are just doing their job) by immediately assuming that we are just gonna travel to work abroad illegally or something. I have side by side experiences traveling with white western people and shop keepers would probably not bat an eyelash if I was just by myself and straight out ignore me. Having that said, I just hold on to my belief that the world revolves and evolves. Eventually, we will be dealt with the same situation & by then we would have evolved to be a better person to face it.

    1. Wonderful insight! I can’t imagine how annoying it must be to face that extra scrutiny. I love what you said though and totally agree: the world revolves and evolves :)

  5. Loved, loved, loved this post! So honest and true. As a white traveler, I could almost feel the discomfort of the situation on a train. On the other hand, I am not from Western country, so very often I have to stand in much longer lines and go via tougher security checks and visa processes because of my passport. I know both sides of the medal and they are very similar to what you are talking about. Great job!

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, your passport definitely influences how much scrutiny you face – it’s so frustrating!

  6. I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for writing it. I travelled a lot as a solo white privileged girl. Now I am travelling with my partner who is a woman. It’s definitely different. We have only done Greece so far but I have noticed more staring and a few weird questions and assumptions. Checking in to hotels is always a bit of a laugh. We had an older man accusing us of “ruffling feathers” by walking down the street holding hands. But all of these are quite minor and part of it. Luckily no one has been outright hostile to us yet. Fingers crossed.

    1. Ah yes, speaking as a Greek I can say unfortunately that my home country is not as progressive as I would like. I can imagine your two experiences being very different – and I hope internationally we get to a point where absolutely no one minds or gets weird because you’re traveling with your partner.

  7. Here in the Netherlands, women in hijab definitely get treated with more suspicion than white women. So do dark-skinned men. We are required to carry i.d. which serves as a great opportunity for people in positions of authority to pick on people of color. (I think this is also true in Belgium, but the fact that she asked Amirah and not you for i.d. is down to racism.) I would also add, as a white, overweight, middle-aged straight woman, that as you get older, the privilege gets even more obvious, if that’s possible. I get that deference that many cultures expect toward middle-aged and elderly people. I also don’t experience the sexual harassment I faced so often when I was younger.

    1. Yes definitely – the conductor came up to me from behind, and plainly heard me speaking Greek on the phone to my mom before I realized she was there and ended the call. No way she didn’t know I was foreign, but she never asked for ID, even with my iffy ticket. Honestly, can’t wait to experience less of that sexual harassment myself!

  8. Well said, I have been appalled at the way a lot of “other” travelers have been treated when in Europe in particular. Here in Ireland we are very privileged to be traveling as white and I often hear the comments made behind the backs of Asians and people of Arabic origin and it’s shameful. I have confronted a few rude comments myself as I just can’t stand any kind of injustice like this, and I think as travelers it is imperative that we all learn to speak up and speak out and confront these types of discriminations when we see and hear them. It’s up to us to not stand back and let them happen.

    1. It’s always so disgusting when other white people make comments within earshot because they assume that being white, you won’t say anything or even worse, tacitly agree. And yes, I completely agree we must speak up and confront these kinds of comments and injustices!

  9. Really interesting read. I’m from India, and travel solo and I always get raised eyebrows. Always extra questions at airports to why am I traveling alone among a few. Yet I have also met people who’ve been really friendly and some rude too. I know there are stereotypes, there are misconceptions about people from African/ Asian countries which somewhat is saddening. To a level I want to travel more because of this, maybe I can reach out to more people through my blog and change some myths!! Hopefully some day :)

    1. I love that despite some negative experiences, you also believe that the more we keep traveling and reaching out to people, the more we can shatter misconceptions and stereotypes! I feel that’s what we should all hope to do via travel and blogging!

  10. This is really different article i have read in a while. I had a similar experience in Netherlands and Belgium (Brussels to be specific) and found all people to be super helpful and friendly which i adored the most. We need more such people.

    1. Completely agreed! I still believe that most people will be friendly and helpful no matter what, and we definitely need even more of that.

  11. Wonderful article, it made recall an experience I had in England about six months ago. I’ve been to England several times and always found the people friendly. The last time I went was just after Brexit and a bus driver mistook me for Italian (I’m American). He yelled me, sneered me at me and was aggressive towards me. Considering the political context of England at the time, I felt very disturbed by his behavior. It was the only time in my life that I felt unwelcomed in a country and made me reflect on the experiences of others.

    1. I’m so sorry you went through that! I was in London and told some people I’m Greek (most didn’t know by sight, I don’t look ‘stereotypically’ Greek I guess), and I definitely heard a few stupid ignorant comments. But I found that with some (not all) people, taking the time to talk to them about their assumptions definitely had an effect.

  12. Beautifully written post – your exploration of the concept of privilege and how that shapes our experiences was very insightful and honest. I hope that others read this and give pause to how we all have different interactions (and reactions) and that is often sadly based on how we look.

  13. I loved reading this post! I’m Chinese-Australian, and this means people can be really rude when they see I’m Chinese. Once I start speaking English or once I tell them I’m from Australia, their attitudes and the way they treat me completely change. I am usually met with surprise and excitement once people find out I’m from Australia – and I shudder to think how I would be treated should I not be Australian-born.

    We can only hope that with time and education people can change their attitudes or be more mindful towards the way they treat people. The word “privilege” has a bad reputation, but I think unless we have walked a mile in other’s shoes we can never TRULY know what it’s like to be them. Thank you for sharing your experience – we need to read more experiences like this!

    1. Completely agree! We can never know what it’s like to be other people. And I know what you mean, I have several black friends who tell me that when people abroad realize they’re American, they get better treatment. Friends from most places in Africa don’t get quite the same treatment unfortunately.

  14. Great food for thought here. I’m in a wheelchair and I definitely get treated differently because of it. Sometimes it can be bad, but a lot of times it’s good too. We each see the world through our own lens of background and experience. Interesting to see how your “priveledged” perspective contrasted with hers.

    1. I can imagine it changes how many people interact with you – I love the phrase “we each see the world through our own lens of background and experience. So true.

  15. I would like to address an almost always neglected or even unknown aspect of traveling (or being for what matters) as a man since you write that a male can travel carelessly. Having grown up in most societies you are expected to protect your wife, female friend or female date. This being said it is very stressful to travel in unknown places feeling responsible for (at least) the physical wellbeing of both yourself and your (female) partner, for if you fail to protect them you, as a man (with whatever context society gives to the term) will feel even more frustrated, responsible, sad for them rather than your own harm. This responsibility becomes even more pressing when besides being a man (traveller) you also work in law enforcement and you are expected to be able to protect whoever you are with, even though ‘criminals’ are always a step ahead and you can only hope for a faster rather than slower counter action on their pre decided offensive behavior. I don’t mean to underestimate difficulties that many groups of people might go through on their travels or daily life but I have never come across a reference of difficulties that men might come across in a society that is supposed to work in their favor but ending up putting huge pressure on their shoulders (and probably huge emotional barriers but this is a whole other topic). If you have come this far thank you for the time you took to read this and I would like to seize the opportunity to mention the work of insightcollabirative an NGO that specializes in problems dislocated men face on the contrast of most humanitarian work being done with women and children.

    1. Thank you very much for this perspective; I totally agree that some men feel this pressure to protect those with them. I just happened to notice that a lot of my male friends who travel alone feel they can move through the world in a much more carefree way, which isn’t necessarily the truth, as men often get attacked as well, and sometimes end up in trouble with this attitude.

      I can’t imagine feeling the pressure you do, and I completely agree that men definitely have a lot of unnecessary pressure and rigidity placed on them by social expectations that harms them in both mental and physical ways. I hope we move increasingly towards a world where we feel free to be ourselves, less defined by gender and societal expectations of it, able to share with and support each other.

  16. This article really opens your eyes to the privileges we often overlook while traveling, a great reminder to be more mindful of our experiences!

  17. Now I am travelling with my partner who is a woman. It’s definitely different. We have only done Greece so far but I have noticed more staring and a few weird questions and assumptions. Checking in to hotels is always a bit of a laugh. We had an older man accusing us of “ruffling feathers” by walking down the street holding hands. But all of these are quite minor and part of Travel Experiences

  18. I’ve been to England several times and always found the people friendly. The last time I went was just after Brexit and a bus driver mistook me for Italian (I’m American). He yelled me, sneered me at me and was aggressive towards me. Private Angkor Wat Sunrise tour

    1. Yep, I’ve unfortunately realized that the way people perceive you when you travel – meaning your ethnicity – can have a big impact on how they treat you.

  19. I’d like to highlight a rarely discussed yet deeply significant aspect of traveling as a man. While it’s often assumed that men can travel with little worry, the reality is more complex—especially when accompanied by a female partner, friend, or family member. There’s an ingrained expectation, shaped by societal norms, that a man must ensure not only his own safety but also that of his companion. Maderira Enotel lido

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